I am writing this a few days before I sit yet another RHS exam, and frankly my brain hurts! So, why do it? For me there are several reasons, firstly, to me at least, it feels right to follow a pathway of Continuing Professional Development and ongoing study / learning. For me this in turn leads to a greater knowledge of my subject, which then leads to my being able to give a better service to customers.
A second reason is personal development, again linked into the comments above, I am better able to understand and 'read' what is happening in a garden. I also actually like the process of learning (although, I will admit exams stress me out!), the challenges and disciplines of self-study, being able to time manage, set and adhere to regular study periods as well as working these around my work schedule as well as family life.
Lastly I (again personally), think that it is important to excercise the brain as well as the body. Your brain is an exceptional tool, and it needs to be challenged to keep it fit and healthy.
I will finish by wishing all the best to anyone else who will be sitting exams with the RHS next week, and more broadly anyone else who is studying, and learning at whatever level.
